Madera National Little League thrives solely due to the unwavering support of the Madera community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your steadfast commitment. The requirements below are required by Little League International, Federal Law, or State Law. These requirements are in place to protect children.
Step 1: Register as a volunteer. A JDP Background check will be emailed to you and must be completed.
Step 2: Have you done a Live Scan for Madera National? If not you will need to download the form and get Live Scanned.
Step 3: Read the Child Protection Program from Little League.
Step 4: Complete the CDC Heads Up Training.
Step 5: Complete the Abuse Awareness Training LL.
Step 6: Read the Child Abuse CANRA.
Step 7: Complete the Little League Diamond Leader Training, only 1 time for life, not a yearly training.
Step 8: Complete the Save a Life Training.
Optional: Complete CPR and AED Training.
These must be completed every year after October 1st, and before you are allowed to volunteer. If you have completed any of these trainings before October 1st and the system won't let you take them again, you will need to use a different Login or Email.
If you have any questions please contact Chris Schoettler: 559-706-3575